What ALDI and the ChIcken Industry Don’t Want You to See

ALDI ranks in the lowest tier of the 2021 Mercy For Animals retailer report on welfare standards for chickens raised for meat. This investigation uncovers the shocking reality of chickens at a contract farm for one of ALDI’s suppliers.
Overcrowded, dark, and filthy sheds. Open wounds, twisted necks, and prolapses. Live chickens in piles of rotting birds. A real nightmare for animals.

Her humble need for water, unmet by a multibillion-dollar industry. A nickel-and-dime strategy to punish living beings for the industry sin of growing too slow.”
—Undercover Investigator
U.S. Retailer Report
Mercy For Animals’ first U.S. retailer report ranks companies according to their efforts to address the most pressing welfare issues associated with chickens raised for meat. In particular, it highlights how large retailers like ALDI have failed to meaningfully reduce chicken suffering.
Over 200 companies have adopted Better Chicken Commitment standards to ban some of the cruelest practices from their chicken supply chains.
Take Action
Ask ALDI to adopt meaningful chicken welfare policies to address the worst abuses permitted in their supply chain.
I was horrified to see the heartbreaking footage on ALDIUncovered.com. That this cruelty happened at a farm that raises chickens for one of your suppliers is unacceptable.
Mercy For Animals’ investigation revealed serious and systemic welfare issues, such as the suffering caused by rapid growth and filthy, overcrowded, and unnatural conditions. I was disappointed to learn that you don’t have any welfare measures in place to prevent the worst routine abuse that chickens face in factory farms.
Several of your competitors have taken meaningful steps to reduce suffering in their supply chains, including Kroger, Albertsons, Giant Eagle, Sprouts, and Whole Foods.
Please take decisive action to address the most pressing systemic problems associated with chickens used for meat by publishing a chicken welfare policy that meets the standards of the Better Chicken Commitment.
We can end this cruel, unsustainable system. By choosing plant-based foods, we can build a food system that is good for animals, people, and our planet.
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